Alice Agneskirchner is a freelance writer/director/producer for documentary films of diverse lengths and genres, as well as cross-over projects with fictional elements. She was born in Munich, Germany, where she studied political science, theatre studies, German, and comparative anthropology, and then worked as a directing assistant at the theatre in Salzburg (Austria). In 1989, before the Fall of the Wall, she started her studies at the Babelsberg Film Academy in East Germany, finishing her degree in film directing in 1995. Her first feature length documentary film Raulien’s Revier (1995) won the Golden Hugo Award at the Chicago IFF. From 2003 – 2007 she taught at Filmakademie Ludwigsburg. In 2015, she received an artist fellowship from Villa Aurora Los Angeles. Her film “Kids in the Spotlight” (2019) celebrated its world premiere as a Berlinale Special Gala. “How ‚HOLOCAUST‘ came to TV” (2019, 90 min.) won the renowned Grimme Award for the most outstanding TV documentary. “Come with me to the Cinema – THE GREGORS” celebrated its world premiere in the Forum Special section of the 72. International Film Festival Berlin in 2022. Alice is a member of the German Film Academy and the German Television Academy.
Filmography Alice Agneskirchner
Raulien’s Revier (1994, 87 min.), Herr, Frau, Hund (1995, 65 min.), Waschen und Legen (1999, 90 min.), Cheerleader-Stories (2001, 5 x 27 min.), Zusammen (2003, 14 min.), Liebe Mama, ich kannte Dich kaum… / Dear Mum, I Hardly Knew You… (2006, 90 min.), 24 h Berlin, 20 x Brandenburg (2009), Ein Apartment in Berlin (2013, 84 min.), Auf der Jagd – Wem gehört die Natur? / On Hunting – Who Owns Nature? (2017, 100 min.), Wie “HOLOCAUST” ins Fernsehen kam…/ How “HOLOCAUST” came to TV, (2019, 90 min.), Lampenfieber / Kids in the Spotlight (2019, 90 min.), Komm mit mir in das Cinema – Die Gregors / Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors (2022, 155 min.)
(Foto: ©Anita Back)